This is

Darell Ho

Hey I’m Darell 👋

About me

A 16 year old aspiring entrepreneur who’s juggling high school, coaching, tutoring, leadership, volunteering and coding all at the same time. I have and always had a tenacious and driven passion for business and entrepreneurship, starting my first business when I was 14, with no external investments but the money I’d saved up from volunteering jobs, and successfully sold out the art collection by 15. Currently, I am developing a social media website/app that I hope could potentially beat Instagram and Snapchat in the future. It focuses on everything that makes social media awesome, and utilizes key elements that make social media addictive, which ties in with our neurological dopamine (happiness) levels and emotional feelings, plus a secret ingredient I won’t be sharing!!

Take a look at my room 👉

Everything stems from this room: The ideas, the studying, the tears, the sweat (no blood) and the drive all start from the table of my shared bedroom.

Zoom in and orbit! It’s a replica of my room that I developed myself!

Contact Me

Want to get to know me a bit better? Feel free to give me a call or shoot me a text and I’ll get back to you when I can!


